CrashPlan console overview

This article applies to all products.png


The CrashPlan console is the browser-based environment you use to view, manage, monitor and configure your CrashPlan environment. This tutorial describes the basics of the CrashPlan console.

Access the CrashPlan console

To access the CrashPlan console:

  1. From a supported web browser, visit the console URL for your CrashPlan product.
    CrashPlan Essential and Professional

    CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs

    Contact your administrator or reach out to support if you're not sure which URL to use.

    CrashPlan for Small Business
  2. Enter your CrashPlan username and password.
    The CrashPlan console dashboard appears.

 Two-factor authentication

If you see a prompt for an authentication code, and your organization has not configured two-factor authentication for local users, verify that your email address is correct. 

 CrashPlan console access

The content and options displayed in the CrashPlan console are determined by the user roles of the signed-in user. An administrator is allowed full access to configure all aspects of the CrashPlan environment, while end users only receive access to settings related directly to their individual devices and accounts.

In addition, you must have certain product plans to see all the available menu options.

CrashPlan console basics

Menus and general navigation

  • At the top of the screen, the toolbar allows you to view your account profile and change language settings as well as easy access to key information.
  • The navigation menu at the top contains links for viewing and managing the different components of your CrashPlan environment.
  • Action menus display contextual actions and options.

Columns and lists

  • Sort any column by clicking the column title.
  • Column widths are adjustable, and the width settings are remembered across sessions.
  • To reset default column widths, double-click the heading above the columns (for example, "User Overview").
  • Real-time scrolling dynamically loads data as you scroll through the data set, making it easy to manage large lists.

CrashPlan console toolbar

Account menu

The Account menu provides options for viewing your account profile, product plan, and cloud, as well as changing the CrashPlan console language and signing out.

Screenshot of account menu showing product plan, cloud, language, and sign out.png

Item Description
Name Your name links to the My Profile page with summary information about your recent activity and your devices. The action menu contains commands to edit your profile.
Product plan Displays your current product plan.

Displays your current cloud environment:


Specifies the locale the CrashPlan console displays. This sets the displayed language and date format. When you specify a locale from the toolbar, the chosen locale is set via a cookie within your current browser. View available locales.

Sign out Signs the current user out of the CrashPlan console.



The Help icon help icon that appears as question mark.png in the upper-right launches the article that most closely pertains to the screen you're viewing. From there you can access all of our documentation.

The navigation menu provides access to settings for all components of your CrashPlan environment. Click any link in the table below to learn more about a specific component.

 Available menu items are determined by your product

Your navigation menu appearance is determined by your product plan.

Item Description

Click to return to your home dashboard.

Backup Usage

Provides an overview of users and storage in your CrashPlan environment.


Administer your CrashPlan environment:


Setup organizations, manage users and devices, give a Support Engineer access to help troubleshoot, and set up keystores in your CrashPlan environment.


Group users in your CrashPlan environment. You can configure different organizations to use different settings.


Manage users, their devices, add new users, and manage roles.


View all devices and manage device details and settings.

Support Access

Give technical support engineers permission to access your environment to assist in troubleshooting.


Store copies of users' encryption keys separately from the backup data and from other customers.

Client Management

Control app download versions, deploy CrashPlan apps, make customizations, and manage updates. 


Manage the CrashPlan app versions that are available for download.


Deploy CrashPlan apps for installation.


Define and apply CrashPlan app customizations for co-branding, login field labels, and in-app messaging.

Agent Updates

Manage CrashPlan app updates


See data on the health of your CrashPlan environment and how CrashPlan is being used. 

Backup Usage

Displays high-level summary information about backup status, storage, and users.

License Plan

View your registration key and current subscription status (current subscriptions, subscriptions in use).

Audit Log

See a record of who did what and when in your CrashPlan environment.


Run reports to address common problems and answer questions about users and devices in your CrashPlan environment.


Control user access and manage third-party applications. 

API Clients

Authenticate access to APIs.

Identity Management

Give users access to the right resources within CrashPlan. 


Search appears in the upper-right when you open the Administration menu. Enter text to search for users, devices, and organizations in your CrashPlan environment. You can enter a full or partial first or last name, email address, device guid, device name, or organization name.

Matching results appear below the search text box. Click any result to view the relevant details.

Legal Hold

Create and manage preservation policies, place users (custodians) in your CrashPlan environment on legal hold, and collect data. 


Create legal matters for placing users on legal hold.

Preservation Policies

Create policies for retaining files to be used in legal holds.

Settings in the CrashPlan console

Apply settings

CrashPlan Professional, Enterprise, and MSPs only

For settings in the CrashPlan console that impact user devices, there are three options for applying settings: save, push, and lock.

  • Saving a setting applies it for new devices in the future. Saving settings does not affect any existing devices.
  • push.png Pushing a setting changes it on user devices, but still allows users to change the setting later.
  • unlock.png Locking a setting pushes it out to user devices and also prevents users from changing the setting later.


Applies changes to future devices Applies changes to existing devices Allows users to change settings
Save Yes No Yes
Push Yes Yes Yes
Lock Yes Yes No

Learn more about device defaults and applying settings.

Inherit settings

CrashPlan Professional, Enterprise, and MSPs only

Your CrashPlan environment can hold many organizations, and each organization (called parent organizations) can contain other organizations (called child organizations). Each organization is visible in the CrashPlan console at Organizations. By default, each new organization inherits the settings of its parent organization.

From the action menu, select Edit to enable or disable inheritance for an organization.


Tips on inheritance
  • When you disable inheritance for an organization, that organization (and any child organizations belonging to that organization) will not receive existing or new settings from the parent organization.
  • All newly-created organizations inherit all settings from their parent organizations by default.
  • Inheritance can be enabled or disabled for groups of settings, such as settings for Reporting, Security, for example.
  • If you re-enable inheritance for an organization, any unique settings are lost and replaced by the parent organization's settings when you click Save.
  • Depending on the settings you have configured in your own CrashPlan environment, enabling or disabling inheritance can apply settings that may lead to data loss, such as disk quotas or cold storage settings.

Command-line interface

In addition to the graphical user interface of the CrashPlan console, you can also interact with your CrashPlan environment through a command-line interface (CLI). To access the command-line interface:

  1. From anywhere in the CrashPlan console, enter Ctrl + Shift + X
    The command-line interface appears.
  2. Enter commands at the top of the command-line interface.
  3. Review the output below.

See the CrashPlan console command-line interface reference  for additional details and a complete list of available commands.


Command-line interface for CrashPlan app devices

Use the CrashPlan console device command line to send commands to CrashPlan app devices that are currently online.

To open the CrashPlan console command-line interface for CrashPlan app devices:

  1. Locate the device in the CrashPlan console.
  2. Click the device to view its details.
  3. Double-click the operating system icon above the device's name.


Available commands

The CrashPlan console can send any command that is available within the CrashPlan app.

command line window.png

Available locales

The CrashPlan console is available in the following languages:

Language Locale Name
Chinese Simplified 中文
Chinese Traditional 中文 - 台灣
Dutch Nederlands
English (United Kingdom) English (United Kingdom)
English (United States) English (United States)
French Français
German Deutsch
Italian Italiano
Japanese 日本語
Korean 한국말
Norwegian Norsk bokmål
Portuguese (Brazil) Português (Brasil)
Spanish (Latin America) Español (América Latina)
Spanish (Spain) Español (España)
Swedish Svenska
Thai ไทย
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