CrashPlan hardware and software requirements

This article applies to all products.png


This article outlines the hardware and software requirements for components of your CrashPlan cloud environment.

CrashPlan console requirements

  • Minimum resolution: 1024x768
  • Web browser:
    • Chrome (most recent)
    • Firefox (most recent)
    • Microsoft Edge (most recent built on Chromium, on Windows)
    • Safari (most recent, on Mac and Linux)

The CrashPlan console does not support mobile web browsers.

CrashPlan app requirements

User device system requirements

The system specifications listed below are the minimum requirements needed to successfully install the CrashPlan app. Devices on unsupported operating systems may be unable to upgrade to the most recent CrashPlan app version.

  • These system requirements are the minimum requirements to install the CrashPlan app. Use more powerful hardware for the best performance.
  • The CrashPlan app is supported on Macs with the Apple M-series chips, but is not supported on other devices running ARM processors, which includes most phones and tablets.
  • If your backup is unusually large (more than 1 TB or 1 million files), you must configure the CrashPlan app to use more RAM than the minimum requirement.
  • The CrashPlan app requires an Internet connection for almost all activity, including signing in, backing up, restoring, and changing most settings. 
  • The CrashPlan app requires a graphical user interface (GUI) for use on all operating systems. The app's desktop UI typically requires a screen area at least 960 pixels wide by 780 pixels high. Some systems may be able to display it as small as 900 pixels by 680 pixels.

Following are the minimum requirements for devices running the CrashPlan app. However, depending on usage, the CrashPlan app may need more than the listed minimums to operate effectively.

OS Hardware Software
  • 2 GHz dual-core CPU
  • 2 GB memory
  • 2 GB drive space

Supported Windows operating systems for the devices in the CrashPlan cloud environment 


  • Apple M-series or 2 GHz 64-bit Intel CPU
  • 2 GB memory
  • 2 GB drive space

Supported Mac operating systems for devices in the CrashPlan cloud environment 

  • 2 GHz CPU
  • 2 GB memory
  • 2 GB drive space

Supported Linux operating systems for devices in the CrashPlan cloud environment1



  • libgconf-2-4
  • libXScrnSaver
  • net-tools
  • libnss3
  • libxss1 (Ubuntu 14.04 only) 
  • libnsl (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.1 and later only)

1 The CrashPlan app supports extended update support (EUS) versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and long-term support (LTS) versions of Ubuntu.


Firewall settings and CrashPlan app ports

See IP addresses and ports used by CrashPlan for:

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