CrashPlan console command-line interface reference

This article applies to CrashPlan Professional, Enterprise, and MSPs.png


You can interact with your CrashPlan environment through a command-line interface (CLI) as well as the regular graphical interface of the CrashPlan console. This article describes the CLI commands available and their uses.

To access the command-line interface, press Ctrl + Shift + X.

Before you begin

If you have any questions about command usage or best practices, contact our technical support.

 Use caution when you modify your CrashPlan environment

Some of these commands have the potential to interfere with backups, disconnect devices, or potentially destroy data. Some commands cannot be undone.

Because of this destructive potential, take care when modifying your CrashPlan environment on the command line.

Command parameters in this article

This article uses several standard conventions to describe command parameters and options.

Arrow brackets

Text in arrow brackets should be replaced with text specific to your environment. Do not include the arrow brackets in your command.

Example instruction: command <exampleEmail>

Correct commands:

Square brackets

Text in square brackets indicates an optional command. Do not include the square brackets in your command.

Example instruction: command [option]

Correct commands:
command option

Curly braces

Text in curly braces separated by pipes indicates mutually exclusive arguments. Do not include the curly braces in your command.

Example instruction: command{abc | def | ghi}

Incorrect command:
command abc def

Correct commands:
command abc
command ghi

Access the command-line interface

To interact with your CrashPlan environment through the command-line interface, open the CLI from the CrashPlan console.

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Press Ctrl + Shift + X.
    The command-line interface appears in the CrashPlan console.
  3. Enter commands at the top of the command-line interface.
  4. Review the output below.



Manage and send CLI commands to a client. If the client is currently offline, the command is queued and the action will be taken when the client comes back online. The response includes a command ID, which you can use to check the status and get the result. 

For the list of available agent commands, see Crashplan Commands.


agent.command create [--wait X] <deviceGuid> <command> <parameters>
agent.command list <deviceGuid>
agent.command show [--wait X] <deviceGuid> <commandGuid>
Argument Function
[--wait X] (Optional) Specify how many seconds for the command to wait for the client to respond. The maximum is 60 seconds. 
<deviceGuid> GUID of the client device.
<command> Command to pass to the client device.
<commandGuid> The command ID from the response. 


Updates the :user directory for a specific device to correct errors in a user's home path so that files can back up as expected. This command adds the specified directory to the existing :user path for that device to preserve backed up files. Because the command is additive, you can update a device's :user directory even if the backup file selection is locked.

agent.userhome <guid> <userHomePath>

Argument Function
<guid> GUID of the client device.

Absolute path to the user's home directory on that client device. For example:

  • Windows: C:\Users\johndoe
  • Mac: /Users/johndoe
  • Linux: /home/johndoe

Use one of these methods to confirm the :user directory on a specific endpoint:

 Subsequent file selection changes reset the :user directory

If you update the file selection on the Backup tab of the Device Backup Default Settings after using this command, the :user directory resets to use only the most recent path set.


Send a command, enclosed in quotation marks, to a client. If the client is not currently online, the command fails and no action will be taken.

For a list of available commands, see Crashplan Commands.
clientCommand "<command>" <guid>

cc "<command>" <guid>

Argument Function
<command> Command to pass to the client device.
<guid> GUID of the client device.

clientCommand "java option Xmx 1024m" 123456789012345678


Return user ID, name, address, and other information fields for a specific computer.
computer <guid> [deauth]

Argument Function
<guid> GUID of the client device.
[deauth] (Optional) Returns deauthorization information. Only applicable for GUIDs that have been deauthorized.


Disconnect all devices, or a single device if given a GUID, from all cloud (non-provider) destinations. Does not deauthorize the device.
disconnect [<guid>]

Argument Function
[<guid>] (Optional) GUID of the device you want to disconnect from all cloud destinations. If guid is not specified, disconnect disconnects all devices from all cloud destinations.


Reset a given user's login attempt status.

login.monitor.reset <username>

Argument Function
<username> Specify the user whose login attempt status you want to reset.


Deletes files or directories from any backup archives in which they are found. When this command is executed, CrashPlan searches all archives for files or directories that use the specified file path and then deletes them from those archives. This command helps you immediately remove files or directories from archives when needed to remove malware or protect sensitive or confidential data.


  • Prior to executing this command, delete the files or directories from the endpoint. If they remain on the endpoint and in the backup file selection for that device, CrashPlan continues to back up that data and will again place it in associated archives.
  • Affected file paths are immediately removed from the CrashPlan console. These file paths may be visible in the CrashPlan app for a short time, but files associated with these paths cannot be restored. File paths are removed from the CrashPlan app after maintenance completes.
  • The user executing the command must have one of these roles:

purge.path <switch> <GUID> <file path>

Argument Function

(Optional) Specifies additional controls that affect how the command is executed. Leave the switch out if it is not needed.

Use the -legalHoldPurgeAllowed switch to delete the file path from legal hold archives when both of the following are true:

  • The file path is found in a legal hold archive.
  • The user executing the command has a role that includes the legalhold.all permission.
<GUID> GUID of the client device.
<file path>

Absolute path to the files or directories to delete from archives. 

For example:

  • Windows: C:\Users\johndoe\Documents\example.txt
  • Mac: /Users/johndoe/Documents/example.txt
  • Linux: /home/johndoe/Documents/example.txt

When entering file paths:

  • Enclose the file path in quotation marks if it contains any spaces.
  • File paths must exactly match the spelling and capitalization of the paths to the files or directories to be deleted.
  • File paths that end with a directory separator (such as "\" or "/") are treated as directories. The directory and all files it contains are deleted from the archive.
  • File paths to root directories are ignored and are not deleted.


purge.path 123456789012345678 "C:\Users\johndoe\Documents\2021 Forecasts Milestones.docx"

Send one sample email or a set of sample emails.

Usage: <username> {customizable|crashplan|<templateKeyword>|<templatePath>}

For example: customizable crashplan backup_alerts /emails/templated/admin_initiated_password_reset.eml
Argument Function
<username> Recipient of the sample email, given by a CrashPlan username.
customizable Send emails that can be customized.

Send all CrashPlan emails.


Send a test email for emails that can be customized in CrashPlan cloud environments. Valid values are:

  • backup_alerts
  • backup_reports
  • password_reset_user
  • password_reset_admin 

Send an email defined by a template in the CrashPlan cloud environment.
Following are some examples:

  • /emails/templated/admin_initiated_password_reset.eml

  • /emails/templated/backup_alert_user.eml

  • /emails/templated/backup_alert_admin.eml

  • /emails/templated/backup_report_admin.eml

  • /emails/templated/backup_report_user.eml

  • /emails/templated/directory_sync_summary.eml

  • /emails/templated/system_alert_admin.eml

  • /emails/templated/user_initiated_password_reset.eml

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