This reference guide includes detailed information about managing users and their devices, adding new users, and managing roles.
To view users, sign in to the CrashPlan console, then go to Administration > Environment > Users. The Users table displays information about the users in your enterprise.
Item | Description | Click to view | |
a | Active | Displays all active users. | |
b | Deactivated | Displays all deactivated users. | |
c | Invited | Displays users invited to create account, but not yet signed in. | |
d | Action menu | Contains commands available in the user list view. | |
e | Add a new user | Displays pane in which you enter information to add a user. | |
f | Run a Device Report | Navigates to the Reporting web app, displaying results based the users listed. | |
g | — | Selects all the users in the list. | |
h | Name | User's first and last name. | Selected user's details |
i | Username | User's username. | Selected user's details |
j |
Backup Devices |
Number of devices registered to this user. Includes CrashPlan app devices. | Selected user's details |
k | Used Storage | The amount of data this user has stored at all destinations. This information is refreshed at least once every 15 minutes. | List of all of the user's device archives and stats, by GUID |
Action menu
Command | Description |
Block | Signs out the selected user(s) from all devices and all current CrashPlan console sessions. Prevents future sign-in to all of the user's devices and the CrashPlan console. Backup continues and archives remain active and stored. Not available when the selected user is currently blocked. |
Unblock | Unblock currently blocked users. Not available when the selected users are not blocked. |
Reset Password |
Send an email containing a password reset link to the email address associated with the selected user(s).
Users in organizations where Client visibility is set to Hidden do not receive password reset emails. |
Export All | Export selected item to CSV file. If no user is selected, all users in the list are exported. |
CSV export
Export all visible list items to a CSV file by selecting action menu > Export All. If no user is selected, all users in the list are exported.
For definitions of user attributes, see the User section in the CrashPlan API API documentation viewer.
CSV export field descriptions
Field | Description |
userId |
Identification number of the user. |
orgId |
Organization where the user resides. |
username | Login name for the user. |
Email address associated with the user's account. | |
displayName | Name displayed in the CrashPlan console for the user. |
status | Status of a user is active, blocked, or deactivated. |
computerCount | Number of devices registered to the user. |
shareDeviceCount | Number of SharePlan devices associated with the user. Deprecated—this information may no longer be accurate. |
backupDeviceCount | Number of devices associated with the user. |
lastLoginDate | Last time the user signed into the CrashPlan console. |
active |
Indicates if the user is active. TRUE: Active FALSE: Deactivated |
blocked |
Indicates if the user is blocked. TRUE: Blocked FALSE: Not blocked |
warningCount | Number of user devices that have not backed up within the defined warning interval specified in the organization settings. |
criticalCount | Number of user devices that have not backed up within the defined critical interval specified in the organization settings |
targetComputer | Identification number for the device used for computer-to-computer backup. |
selectedFiles | Total number of files selected for backup. |
selectedBytes |
Total number of bytes selected for backup. |
lastBackupDate | Date when any one of the user's devices backed up. |
lastCompletedBackupDate | Date when any one of the user's devices had a 100% complete backup. |
archiveBytes |
Total bytes the archive occupies on disk. |
todoBytes |
Total bytes of data remaining to back up. |
todoFiles |
Total number files remaining to back up. |
userUid | The user's UID (unique ID). |
orgUid | The UID (unique ID) of the user's organization. |
userExtRef |
Optional external reference information, such as a serial number, asset tag, employee ID, or help desk issue ID. |
notes |
Optional descriptive information. |
firstName | The user's first name. |
lastName | The user's last name. |
orgName | The user's organization name. |
orgType |
Organization type.
authType | The authentication method for users in this organization (LOCAL, LDAP, RADIUS, or SSO). A blank value means the default of LOCAL. |
usernameIAnEmail | Whether the username is an email. |
creationDate | Organization creation date. |
modificationDate | Date when the organization was last modified. |
passwordReset | Whether a password reset is required. |
invited | Whether the user was invited to CrashPlan via email. |
securityKeyType | The type of security key for the user. |
targetComputerGuid |
GUID of the device used for computer-to-computer backup. Computer-to-computer backup is deprecated. |
billableByes | Number of billable bytes. |
quotaInBytes | User's backup quota in bytes. A value of -1 means unlimited backup. |
percentComplete | Restore percent complete. |
archiveBytesDelta | The difference, in bytes, between what has been backed up and what remains to be backed up. |
archiveBytesDeltaMonth |
The difference, in bytes, in the archive from this month to the previous month. |
archiveHistory | The number of archives for the user. |
emailPromo | Whether the user receives promotional email. |
Add a new user
You can add users by sending an email invite, manually entering their information, or by importing user information.
Command | Description |
Invite Users | Send an invite to one or more users by sending an email invitation. |
Add Users | Add or import users. |
Invite users
Use the Invite Users command to send an email invite to new users.
Command | Description |
a | Search for a specific organization within your environment |
b | Select an organization for the user |
c | Click to proceed or cancel |
When you click Select on the Invite User dialog, the following dialog is displayed:
Item | Description |
a | Enter recipients' email addresses. |
b | Enter the reply-to email address to be included on the email invitations. |
c | Modify the subject line for the email invitation, if necessary. |
d | Modify the default email message, if necessary. |
e | Click to send emails or cancel. |
Re-invite a user
If an invited user misplaced or deleted their email invitation, simply re-invite them using the Invite Users process.
Add users
Use the Add a New User command to create a new user.
Command | Description |
a | Search for a specific organization within your environment |
b | Select an organization for the user |
c | Click to proceed or cancel |
When you click Select on the Add User dialog, the following dialog is displayed:
Item | Description |
a | Add users one by one. The CrashPlan app must be installed on each user's device(s) in order to back up. |
b | Add users in bulk by uploading a text file (.CSV). |
c | Download a sample text file for information on how to format the text file (.CSV). |
d | Upload the text file (.CSV) containing the users you'd like to add. The desktop application must be installed on each user's device(s) in order to back up. |
To view the user details, select a user from the overview. Here you can see information about a user's device.
Item | Description | |
a | User | Displays the user's first and last name, if available. If first and last names were not specified when creating the user, displays the user's username. |
b | Organization | Name of the user's organization. Click to view organization details. |
c | Action menu | Displays actions you can perform. |
d | Email Address | Email address associated with the user's account. |
e | Date Created | Date the user account was created. |
f | Used Storage |
Amount of data stored from this user account's devices. Graph shows the past 30 days. Data points are updated once per day.
g | Backup Restores |
Number of restores initiated, files restored, and total bytes restored over the past 30 days. These details are restricted by role: you can view only the restore history to which you have access based on your role permissions.
h | Operating system | Operating system icon for this device. Displays Windows, Mac, or Linux. |
i | Device name |
The name assigned to the device by CrashPlan. By default, Device Name uses the Hostname reported by the device's operating system, but users and administrators can change the Device Name in the CrashPlan app and CrashPlan console.
If the user has multiple devices, they all appear here. |
j | Hostname |
The name of the device as reported by the device's operating system. The Hostname is a device property that is not managed by CrashPlan. If an authorized user changes the hostname of the device, the new hostname may take up to 24 hours to update in the CrashPlan console. |
k | Destination | Name of the backup destination. |
l | Selected | Size of the files selected for backup. |
m |
Backup Status |
Backup completion percentage to each destination. Progress bar changes color if a device is in an alert state for that destination.
n | Last Activity | Time since the last activity for the user's devices. |
o | Completed | Time since the device last completed a backup to the specified destination. |
p | Roles | Displays the roles assigned to the user. |
q | Reference |
Displays optional information about the user. |
Action menu
Command | Description |
Edit | Edits this user's information, including name, email address, and password. |
Show Deactivated Devices | Displays all of this user's deactivated devices. Not available when deactivated devices are displayed. |
Hide Deactivated Devices | Hides this user's deactivated devices. Not available when deactivated devices are currently hidden. |
View Archives | Opens the Archive List view, which displays information about the archives associated with this device. |
Deactivate | Deactivates the user. All associated devices are deactivated and backups stop. Archives for all associated devices are placed into cold storage. |
Activate | Activates the user. You may also want to reactivate the user's devices. |
Block | Blocks the user. User is signed out of all devices and all current CrashPlan console sessions. Prevents future sign in to all of the user's devices and the CrashPlan console. Incydr monitoring and backup continues. Not available when the selected user is currently blocked. |
Unblock | Unblock currently blocked users. Not available when the selected users are not blocked. |
Change Organization | Moves selected users to a different organization. |
Reset Password |
Resets the selected user's password.
Users in organizations where Client visibility is set to Hidden do not receive password reset emails. |
Reset Two-Factor Authentication | Resets the local two-factor authentication configuration for this user. This invalidates the secret used to generate this user's Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP). Select this option if a user loses or gets a new mobile device and needs to redo the initial configuration steps. |
Item | Description | |
a | First and Last Name | Edits the user's first or last name1 |
b | Email Address | Edits the user's email address1 |
c | Username | Edits the user's login name1 |
d | Password | Changes the user's password1
e | Backup Quota | Edits the user's storage quota |
1 Changing this field while the user is signed in to the CrashPlan console may require the user to sign in again.
Item | Description | |
a | Available Roles | Roles not currently assigned to the user. These roles are available to be assigned to the user by the admin that is currently logged in. Admins can only grant roles to users if the admin user account is assigned the role. Click a role to display the permissions associated with the selected role. |
b | Current Roles | Roles currently assigned to the selected user. Click a role to display the permissions associated with the selected role. |
c | Add Role | Adds the selected role(s) to the user account. |
d | Remove Role | Removes the selected role(s) from the user account. |
e | Currently Assigned Permissions OR Role's Permissions | When no role is selected, this field displays all permissions currently assigned to the user account. When a role is selected from Available Roles or Current Roles, this field displays all permissions associated with the selected role. |
f | Cancel | Reverts changes and close the Edit User pane. |
g | Update User | Saves changes and close the Edit User pane. |
Item | Description | |
a | External Reference | Specifies optional external reference information, such as a serial number, asset tag, employee ID, or help desk issue ID. |
b | Notes | Specifies optional descriptive information. |
Change organization
Item | Description | |
a | Search | Searches available organizations |
b | Organization | Selects the new parent organization |
Changing organizations can affect backups
If users are moved to a different organization, it could affect their backup. For example:
- Different destinations offered: If the new organization does not offer the same destinations as the user's previous organization, any of the user's data from destinations that are no longer offered are put in to cold storage.
- Frequency and version settings: Any differences in the new organization's frequency and version settings are applied to the backup archive after the user device connects to the CrashPlan cloud instance. Depending on the new organization's frequency and version settings, some data could be removed.
- Auto-start backups: If the new organization has any destinations configured to auto-start, the CrashPlan app begins backing up to those destinations immediately. Destinations that are not configured to auto-start appear in the CrashPlan app for the user to select.