Add reference information to devices, users, and organizations

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Reference fields allow you to add descriptive information to devices, users, and organizations in your CrashPlan environment. This descriptive information can be used to add additional context for administrators, and also to integrate with external systems.

This article describes how to use the reference fields from both the CrashPlan console and the CrashPlan API.

Reference fields

The CrashPlan platform supports the following reference fields for devices and users. You can also add this information to organizations.

  • External Reference: Intended for optional external reference information, such as a serial number, asset tag, employee ID, or help desk issue ID.
  • Notes: Intended for optional descriptive information.


The examples in this article use the command line tool curl to interact with the CrashPlan API. For a list of tools that can be used to interact with the API, see Tools for interacting with the CrashPlan API

Use the CrashPlan console to edit reference information

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. From Administration > Environment, select DevicesUsers, or Organizations.
  3. Click the name of the device, user, or organization.
  4. From the action menu, select Edit.
  5. Click Reference.
  6. Configure the reference fields for the device, user, or organization:
    • External Reference
    • Notes
  7. Click Save.

Use the CrashPlan API to add reference information

Consider using the CrashPlan API to add reference information if you need to:

  • Add reference information for many devices, users, or organizations in your CrashPlan environment via scripting.
  • Configure an external system in your environment to automatically set reference information.

The examples below illustrate how to set the reference information for one user, device, or organization at a time. If you want to set values for many items at once, use the examples as the basis for a custom script. In the examples below:

CrashPlan API not available for CrashPlan Standard
Use of the CrashPlan API is not permitted for customers with the CrashPlan Standard product plan

Use the CrashPlan API to add reference information for a device

The CrashPlan API Computer resource allows you to set the computerExtRef and notes parameters for a device.

  1. Find a device's guid using one of these methods:
    • Search by the userUid of the user that owns the device:
      curl -X GET '<userUid>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
    • Search for the device by name:
      curl -X GET '<name>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  2. Locate the device's guid in the output. For example:
    "guid": "681099810721783680"
  3. Set the computerExtRef and notes parameters for the appropriate device guid:
    curl -X PUT -d '{ "computerExtRef": "Asset 410", "notes": "A note about the device" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '<guid>?idType=guid' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  4. Examine the output of the command to verify that computerExtRef and notes contain the correct values.

Use the CrashPlan API to add reference information for a user

The CrashPlan API User resource allows you to set the userExtRef and notes parameters for a user.

  1. Find a user's userUid using one of these methods:
    • Search for the user by email address:
      curl -X GET '<email_address>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
    • Search for the user by username:
      curl -X GET '<username>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
    • Search for the user by first and last name:
      curl -X GET '<firstname>&&<lastname>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  2. Locate the user's userUid in the output. For example:
    "userUid": "fa1633c3e5507360"
  3. Set the userExtRef and notes parameters for the appropriate userUid:
    curl -X PUT -d '{ "userExtRef": "ID040189", "notes": "A note about the user" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '<userUid>?idType=uid' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  4. Examine the output of the command to verify that userExtRef and notes contain the correct values.

Use the CrashPlan API to add reference information for an organization

The CrashPlan API Org resource allows you to set the orgExtRef and notes parameters for an organization.

  1. Find the organization's orgUid by searching for its name:
    curl -X GET '<organization_name>' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  2. Locate the organization's orgUid in the output. For example:
    "orgUid": "691968598454770525"
  3. Set the orgExtRef and notes parameters for the appropriate orgUid:
    curl -X PUT -d '{ "orgExtRef": "An organization identifier", "notes": "A note about this organization" }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' '<orgUid>?idType=orgUid' -H 'Authorization: Bearer <auth_token>' | python3 -mjson.tool
  4. Examine the output of the command to verify that orgExtRef and notes contain the correct values.
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