Get started with CrashPlan backups

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This guide is for new CrashPlan users. It explains how to:

  1. Access the CrashPlan console.
  2. Create user accounts.
  3. Back up files with the CrashPlan app on user devices.

Step 1: Sign in to the CrashPlan console

  1. Go to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Enter the email and password you configured in your CrashPlan welcome email.
    If you did not receive a welcome email, contact support.
  3. Click Sign In

Learn more about the CrashPlan console

Step 2: Install a CrashPlan app. 

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console
  2. Navigate to Client Management > Downloads.
  3. Download the CrashPlan app installer for your operating system.
  4. Install the CrashPlan app

Learn more about the CrashPlan app 

Step 3: Use the CrashPlan app to start backing up files

 Enterprise file selection is locked by default

New CrashPlan Enterprise accounts have their file selections locked by default, preventing users from changing the backup file selection in the CrashPlan app. To allow changes to the file selection by end users, an administrator must navigate to the file selection in the CrashPlan Console and unlock and push the setting to devices. For larger organizations, consider keeping the file selection locked and setting a default file selection for all users. 

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan app.
  2. Adjust the folders selected for backup.
  3. Click Start Backup.

Video guide

Learn more about configuring backup 

Step 4: Add additional users

Video guide

CrashPlan Professional, Enterprise, and Small Business only

You can add users manually, via text file, or by email invitation

Manually add users from your CrashPlan console

Use this method if you are only adding a few users. 

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Users from the menu on the left.
  3. Select Add a new user: Add_User_Icon.png
  4. Select Add Users.
  5. If you have more than one organization set up, choose an organization for your users. 
  6. Enter the user's first name, last name, email address, and password.
    manually add users.png
  7. Select Add User.
  8. The new user can now download and install the CrashPlan app on their device and sign in with their user account.

Upload a text file to add users

Use this method if you need to add many users. When adding users by uploading a text file, determine the email addresses and passwords for all users you want to add. 

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Users from the menu on the left.
  3. Select Add a new userAdd_User_Icon.png
  4. Select Add Users.
  5. Click Download sample file to download the template for adding users.
  6. Modify the sample file:
    1. Delete the sample entry for "John Doe".
    2. Add the information for your users in the following format (one line per user):
  7. Verify that all the entries are formatted correctly.
  8. Save the modified file.
  9. Drag and drop your saved users .txt file onto the Click or Drag and Drop File button, or click to browse to your users .txt file.
  10. Click Add User.
    add user text file.png
  11. Users can then download and install the CrashPlan app, and sign in with the new user account.

Invite users by email

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Users from the menu on the left.
  3. Select Add a New UserAdd_User_Icon.png
  4. Select Invite Users.
  5. If you have more than one organization set up, select an organization for the new user.
  6. Complete the form:
    • Enter a comma-separated list of email addresses.
    • Enter a reply to address.
    • (Optional) Customize the subject and message to be sent to your users.
  7. Click Send.
    Your users will receive an email with instructions for getting started. CrashPlan-email-invitation.png

Learn more about managing users

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