User subscriptions for CrashPlan

This article applies to all products except CrashPlan for MSPs.png


This article describes the standard user subscriptions licensing model for CrashPlan environments. User subscriptions apply only to backup, restore, maintenance, and user support.

If you have questions about these guidelines, contact our technical support team.


User subscription model


Users are licensed according to monthly or annual subscriptions. For the duration of the user subscription period, your users can back up, restore, and receive support and maintenance on up to two devices (four devices for CrashPlan Enterprise). The user subscription period begins on the date purchased.

Support and maintenance Beginning of user subscription period Purchasing
Support and maintenance are included in monthly and annual user subscriptions. As long as each of your users have an active user subscription, you are able to upgrade your CrashPlan environment and receive support. User subscriptions begin their term on the date of purchase.

To change your product plan or add additional user subscriptions, contact our technical support team.

User subscription consumption is displayed in the User Subscriptions dashboard of the Subscriptions screen. For more information, see the License Plan reference.

For the duration of the user subscription period, your users can back up, restore, and receive support and maintenance on up to four devices.

For example, if you purchase ten user subscriptions for one year, ten users can back up to and restore from any of your destinations for one year. Once these ten user subscriptions expire, the users cannot back up or restore until you purchase a new user subscription.


User subscription consumption

All users associated with one or more archives require an annual user subscription.

  • A user is associated with backup archives that contain data from the user's devices.
  • If the CrashPlan app is installed per user on a device, each user on that device requires a separate user subscription.

The following scenarios provide examples of users who consume a user subscription and those who do not:

Consume a user subscription Do not consume a user subscription
  • Active CrashPlan app user associated with one or more archives
  • Deactivated user associated with an archive in cold storage
  • Deactivated user whose archives have expired
  • Deactivated user whose archive has been permanently purged from your CrashPlan environment
  • A user who has never backed up any devices

User subscription expiration

When a subscription expires:

  • that user's data is no longer backed up. 
  • that user can still log into the CrashPlan app, but cannot restore any files.
  • administrators can still log into the CrashPlan console to perform administrative tasks (such as manage users or devices), but cannot restore files from the CrashPlan console.

If all of your organization's user subscriptions expire (or are otherwise terminated):

  • no user data is backed up.
  • no user data can be restored.
  • no new users can be added.
  • CrashPlan deactivates the organization's account.
  • CrashPlan retains customer data in the CrashPlan cloud according to the data retention policy.

The availability of features in the CrashPlan console may depend on your product plan, and in some cases licensing for these features may be separate from your user subscriptions. If your license for these features expire, they are no longer available in the CrashPlan console.

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