Retrieve device logs from the CrashPlan console

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CrashPlan administrators can use the CrashPlan console to retrieve CrashPlan app logs from devices for use in troubleshooting. 


Users with the following roles can use the CrashPlan console to retrieve logs from devices:


  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Navigate to Administration > Devices.
  3. Click the device name to display Device Details
    Ensure that the device is online. 
  4. From the action menu action menu gear.png, select Retrieve Logs.
    The Agent logs request history dialog displays.
  5. Click Retrieve agent logs.
  6. In the Retrieve log: Email notification dialog, select Yes and enter an email address to receive an email notification, or select No.
  7. Click Apply.
    Retrieving... displays under the Logs URL column of the table. (If the device is offline, Retrieving... displays until the device is online.) When the logs are available, a Download logs link displays. 
  8. Click the Download logs link. 
    The logs are downloaded in a ZIP file. 

For information about the content of the logs, see Read CrashPlan app log files .

Email notification

If you requested that an email notification be sent when retrieving logs, the email is sent to the indicated address. The email includes the following information:

  • Device the logs were requested for
  • Date and time of the request
  • Individual who made the request
  • Expiration time of the request
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