This reference guide describes the following organization network settings:
- Backup-data transfer rates
- Proxy settings
- Network interface exclusions
- Wireless network exclusions
- TCP/IP buffer size
Access device backup network settings
To view settings:
- Choose Administration > Environment > Organizations.
- On the Active tab, click the organization name. You may need to expand the parent organization.
- Scroll down to Device Backup Defaults.
- Click the Network tab.
To change these default settings for the organization:
- Choose Administration > Environment > Organizations.
- On the Active tab, click the organization name. You may need to expand the parent organization.
- From the action menu, choose Device Backup Defaults.
- On the General tab, deselect Use device defaults from parent and click Save.
- Click the Network tab.
Device backup network settings
Sending limits
Sending limits are defined by either a standard setting that applies the same values at all times, or a scheduled setting that applies different values for peak and off-peak business hours.
Standard sending limits
Item | Description | |
a | Standard or Scheduled |
Selects standard or schedule-based sending limits. Standard sending limits apply the same values at all times. Scheduled sending limits allow administrators to specify different data transfer rates for peak and off-peak business hours. |
b | Limit sending rate when away to |
Defines the backup-data transfer rate when the user is away from the device.
Minimum sending limits
When setting network sending limits, do not set a rate lower than 0.10 Mbps or 100 Kbps. Rates lower than 0.10 Mbps can prevent devices from communicating with the CrashPlan cloud, which can stop backups and future configuration changes. To stop backup entirely, do not adjust sending limits. Instead, you can only allow backups at specified times. |
c | Limit sending rate when present to |
Defines the backup-data transfer rate when the user is present.
d | Network overrides |
Enables administrators to override the default WAN and LAN definitions and add specific network ranges.
Use Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation to enter network overrides:
e |
Defines values for each device connecting to a destination's routable IP address. WAN (wide area network) typically means locations outside of your office, organization, or firewall. |
f | LAN |
Defines values for each device connecting to a destination's non-routable IP address. LAN (local area network) typically means locations inside of your office, organization, or firewall. |
g | Lock |
Prevents users from changing these settings. |
h | Push |
Applies these settings to existing devices in addition to new devices. Changes to these settings may take up to 24 hours to apply to all devices in your CrashPlan environment. To apply settings immediately, configure and push the settings individually for each organization. |
Scheduled sending limits
Item | Description | |
a | Standard or Scheduled |
Selects standard or schedule-based sending limits. Standard sending limits apply the same values at all times. Scheduled sending limits allow administrators to specify different data transfer rates for peak and off-peak business hours. |
b | Peak business hours schedule | Indicates which days use peak business hours sending limits. |
c | Time | Sets start and end time for peak business hours each day. Times must be entered in the 24-hour clock format. Scheduling is based on each device’s local time. |
d | During peak business hours | Displays data transfer rates for backup activity during the peak business hours schedule.
Limit sending rate when away to |
Limits the backup-data transfer rate during the peak business hours schedule when the user is away from the device. |
Limit sending rate when present to | Limits the backup-data transfer rate during the peak business hours schedule when the user is present. | |
e | WAN | Limits the backup-data transfer rate for each device connecting to a destination's routable IP address. WAN (wide area network) typically means locations outside of your office, organization, or firewall. |
f | LAN | Limits the backup-data transfer rate for each device connecting to a destination's non-routable IP address. LAN (local area network) typically means locations inside of your office, organization, or firewall. |
g | During off-peak business hours | Displays data transfer rates for backup activity outside the times defined in the peak business hours schedule.
Limit sending rate when away to | Limits the backup-data transfer rate during off-peak business hours when the user is away from the device. | |
Limit sending rate when present to | Limits the backup-data transfer rate during off-peak business hours when the user is present. | |
h | Network overrides |
Enables administrators to override the default WAN and LAN definitions and add specific network ranges.
Use Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation to enter network overrides:
i | Lock | Prevents users from changing these settings. |
j | Push |
Applies these settings to existing devices in addition to new devices. Changes to these settings may take up to 24 hours to apply to all devices in your CrashPlan environment. To apply settings immediately, configure and push the settings individually for each organization. |
Item | Description | |
a | Enable DSCP |
Enables Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for the LAN portion of your CrashPlan environment. Configuring DSCP settings only affect LANs where routers configured to support DSCP, and where other services use the same ports as CrashPlan. DSCP is a topic for experienced network administrators, and beyond the scope of our technical support team. Incorrectly configuring these settings can adversely affect network performance and impact CrashPlan app connectivity. |
b | Set DSCP to only work for |
Sets DSCP on IPv6 or IPv4 packets. |
c | DSCP Value | Defines the custom DSCP value. |
d | Push | Applies this setting to existing devices in addition to new devices. |
e | Lock |
Locks this setting to prevent users from changing it from the CrashPlan app. CrashPlan apps version 6.0 and later do not include DSCP settings. |
Item | Description | |
a | Enabled | Enables network proxy. |
b | PAC URL |
URL or file path of your proxy auto-config (PAC) file.
c | Lock |
Locks this setting to prevent users from changing it from the CrashPlan app. |
d | Push | Applies this setting to existing devices in addition to new devices. |
Excluded network interfaces
Item | Description | |
a | - | Enter the network interface you want to exclude using a regular expression. |
b | - | Network interfaces to exclude. |
c | + | Adds the entered text to the list of network interfaces to exclude. |
d | Import | Displays window in which you can paste the contents of a text file that lists network interfaces you wish to exclude. |
e | Export | Displays window from which you can copy the contents of the excluded network interfaces list, which you can in turn paste into your favorite text editor for editing. |
f | Lock |
Locks this setting to prevent users from changing it from the CrashPlan app. |
g | Push | Applies this setting to existing devices in addition to new devices. |
Network interfaces are excluded only on Mac and Windows devices.
Metered or low data networks
Item | Description | |
a | - | Select to exclude metered or low data networks. |
b | Lock |
Locks this setting to prevent users from changing it from the CrashPlan app. |
c | Push | Applies this setting to existing devices in addition to new devices. |
Advanced TCP/IP
Item | Description | |
a | Send buffer size |
Specifies whether devices obey operating system defaults for send buffer size. Override the default settings by specifying buffer size. |
b | Receive buffer size |
Specifies whether devices obey operating system defaults for receive buffer size. Override the default settings by specifying buffer size. |
c | Lock |
Locks this setting to prevent users from changing it from the CrashPlan app. |
d | Push | Applies this setting to existing devices in addition to new devices. |