Backup status report reference

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The following reports provide an overview of backup activity in your CrashPlan environment:

This article describes the content of the reports and explains how to configure their frequency and recipients. For help resolving backup problems with devices, see Identify and resolve device issues in the CrashPlan console.

Configure backup reports

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Organizations.
    The Active organizations tab is selected.
  3. Select the organization you want to report on.
  4. From the action menu in the upper-right, select Edit.
  5. Select the Reporting tab.
  6. Configure your report settings:
    • In General > Send backup report: Select the days of the week that CrashPlan sends the Backup status report.
    • In General > Recipients and Additional recipients: Displays users who will receive reports. The Recipients list contains users that have the Alert Emails role, and can be removed from the list by removing this role. You can add or remove users without the Alert Emails role to the Additional recipients list and they will receive the same email reports.
      The following reports will be sent to individuals in the recipients list:
      • Backup status report 
        Shows the backup and restore history of users in the organization. 
      • Backup alerts report
        Shows devices in the organization that have not backed up in the time period set in the Warning and Critical fields. The report is sent when a device's backup status enters the warning or critical state.
    • In Alerts > No backup for: Enter the number of days when a device's backup status enters the warning or critical state. CrashPlan sends the Backup alerts report when this occurs.
  7. Click Save.
Disabled inheritance
If you disable inheritance for an organization, that organization is not affected by changes to its parent organization.

Backup status report

The following report is emailed with the subject line CrashPlan Backup Status Report.

ENT backup status report reference.png

Item Description
a Reporting Period

Start and end dates for this report.

b Username Name of the user for the computer listed.
c Source / Computer

Name of the source computer.

d Target

Name of the destination.

e Selected

Size of the selection of files being backed up.

f Change

Change in size of file selection. A ↑ (up arrow) indicates an increase since the last report; a ↓ (down arrow) reflects a decrease since the last report.

g Files

Number of files backed up.

h Backed Up %

Percent of selected files backed up.

i Last Completed

Number of days since this computer was 100% backed up. If the computer is still in its initial backup and has never been 100% backed up, this column displays Last Activity.

j Last Activity

Number of days since any backup data was sent to the specified destination from this computer.

k Restore Period Displays restore statistics for this reporting period and all time.
l Total Number of restore jobs initiated during the restore period.
m Users Number of users that performed restores during the restore period.


Total size of files that were restored during the restore period.
o Files

Number of files that were restored during the restore period.

p Organization The organization and any child organization for the statistics shown.
q Status Devices listed in black text are backing up normally. Devices listed in yellow have passed your warning threshold; devices in red have passed your critical threshold.
r Support Link to the official CrashPlan support site.
s My Account Link to the CrashPlan console's Sign In screen.

Backup alerts report

The following report is emailed with the subject line New CrashPlan Backup Alerts.

ENT backup alert report reference.png

Item Description
a Reporting date

The date and time the report is generated. 

The report is sent when a device's backup status enters the warning or critical state as defined in the organization reporting settings.

b Organization The name of the organization the report is generated for: New <organization name> Backup Alerts.
c Username / Name The CrashPlan username and display name of the user for the listed computer.
d Computer GUID The globally unique identifier of the computer that has not backed up.
e Computer name

Name of the computer that has not backed up.

f Last Connect

Number of days since the computer last connected to the CrashPlan cloud.

g Last Backup

Number of days since any backup data was sent from this computer. 

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