Backup occurs over excluded wireless networks connected to VPN


This article applies to CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs.png

If devices in your CrashPlan environment are not honoring wireless network exclusions while connected to VPN, follow the steps below to stop backup traffic over excluded networks.

Recommended solution

Step 1: Find the numeric OrgID

To completely exclude wireless networks, you must first identify the numeric ID of the applicable organization.

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Organizations.
  3. Select an organization:
    • To update your entire CrashPlan environment, select ​​​​your top-level organization. This organization is at the top of the organizational hierarchy and is the parent for all other organizations.
    • To apply different values to different organizations, select a child organization, then follow the steps below. Repeat these steps with each child organization as necessary.
  4. In the web browser's address bar, note the numeric ID in the URL after "organization" but before any query or token parameters. In this example, the OrgID is 123456:

Step 2: Use the CrashPlan API to exclude backups

The steps below assume basic familiarity with curl commands. Use the following example as a template to create a command specific to your CrashPlan environment:

curl -X PUT \
  '/api/v1/OrgSettings/' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer ' \
  -d '{ 
    "packets": [
            "key": "device_network_alwaysBlockWhenOnBlacklistedWirelessNetwork",
            "value": "true",
            "locked": true
  • Replace <request_url> with the address of your CrashPlan environment (do not include the brackets in your request).
  • Replace <OrgID> with the number identified in Step 1 above (do not include the brackets in your request).
  • Replace <auth_token> with an authentication token.
  • Set the value parameter to true to block backups. Set the value parameter to false to allow backups.
  • Execute the curl command in your command-line tool of choice.

Step 3: Confirm the setting

Use the GET method to view the current value of the setting. The OrgSettings resource also contains keys for numerous other CrashPlan settings. Therefore, to view only your customizations, you must include the device_network_alwaysBlockWhenOnBlacklistedWirelessNetwork key as a query parameter.

The example below assumes basic familiarity with curl commands. Use this as a template to create a command specific to your CrashPlan environment:

curl -X GET \
  '/api/v1/OrgSettings/?keys=device_network_alwaysBlockWhenOnBlacklistedWirelessNetwork' \
  -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer '
  1. Replace <request_url> with the address of your CrashPlan environment (do not include the brackets in your request).
  2. Replace <OrgID> with the number identified in Step 1 above (do not include the brackets in your request).
  3. Replace <auth_token> with an authentication token.
  4. Execute the curl command in your command-line tool of choice. When prompted, enter your password.
    The CrashPlan API returns details about the setting and includes either the key pair "value":"true" or "value":"false". If the setting has not been defined yet, the data parameter in the response is empty.
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