Upgrade CrashPlan User Directory Sync

This article applies to CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs.png


CrashPlan User Directory Sync allows you to automatically manage users in your cloud CrashPlan environment. Once configured, it connects your directory service (for example, Active Directory) to your CrashPlan environment and automatically creates users, updates their organization and role assignments, and deactivates users in CrashPlan based on changes made within your directory service. 

This article explains how to upgrade the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool to the most recent version.

Before you begin

Before upgrading to the latest version of CrashPlan User Directory Sync, you must already have an instance of CrashPlan User Directory Sync installed. For installation directions, see Configure CrashPlan User Directory Sync

Contact your Customer Success Manager (CSM) to engage the Professional Services team, who will provide you a link to download the latest version of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool installation package. You install the tool using the steps below.


Step 1: Run a full synchronization

Run a full synchronization to ensure that the current setup of your CrashPlan User Directory Sync is clean and error-free before you perform an upgrade. For more information about synchronization, see Run synchronization for CrashPlan User Directory Sync.

  1. Open a command prompt on the host computer where CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool is installed.
  2. Navigate to the \bin folder of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool.
  3. Run the following command:
    C42UserDirectorySync --sync-now --full-sync
  4. Review logs in the \logs directory, and view the provisioning changes in the sync log.
  5. If there are errors, correct them before proceeding with the upgrade.  

Step 2: Back up files

Back up files from the location in which the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool is installed and store them in a separate directory. You can use the backed-up files to restore your CrashPlan User Directory Sync environment should you need to.

  • Configuration files:
    • config.properties 
    • c42db.mv 
  • Script files:
    • activescript.js
    • orgscript.js
    • rolescript.js
    • Any other active, org, or role script files in this location 
  • Directories (optional):
    • logs

Step 3: Install the latest version

The installation package only contains the latest supported version of the Java executable, JAR, and dependencies. Extracting the package to the original installation location preserves your scripts, configuration, and database. New instances of these files are only initialized if they are missing at runtime.

  1. Download the installation package for the latest version of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool using the link provided by your Professional Services team representative. 
  2. Extract the installation package into the same directory as the existing installation of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync. 
    All the previous configuration files persist and the new tool will be able to run without any additional configuration. New and updated properties from the upgrade are added to the config.properties file after the initial synchronization run after the upgrade.

Install to a new directory

Follow these steps if you want to install to a new directory on the same host machine where your current CrashPlan User Directory Sync is installed.

  1. Download the latest version of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool using the link provided by your Professional Services team representative. 
  2. Extract the installation package to the new directory.
  3. Copy into that directory the configuration files and script files you backed up in Step 2.

Install to a new host machine

Follow these steps if you want to install on a different host machine than where your current CrashPlan User Directory Sync is installed.

  1. Download the latest version of the CrashPlan User Directory Sync tool using the link provided by your Professional Services team representative. 
  2. Extract the installation package to a directory on the new host machine.
  3. Copy into that directory the configuration files and script files you backed up in Step 2.
  4. If you are installing CrashPlan User Directory Sync to a new host machine, you must reset the passwords. Because encryption is specific to the user/host on Windows and to the host on Linux, new servers can't decrypt passwords unless they are reset. Run the following commands to reset passwords:
    • C42UserDirectorySync --ldap-bind-password
      Enter the password for the LDAP service user. You will be prompted only once.
    • C42UserDirectorySync.bat --scim-password
      Enter the password for the CrashPlan User Directory Sync user. You will be prompted only once.

Step 4: Verify upgrade

  1. Run the following command to verify that the new version is installed:
    C42UserDirectorySync --version
  2. Run the following command to perform a dry-run and to load new and updated properties to the config.properties file
  3. If there are any errors, correct them before running a synchronization using the --sync-now  operation.

For more information about synchronization, see Run synchronization for CrashPlan User Directory Sync.

Step 5: Verify scheduling still works

If you use a scheduler to run synchronization, verify that it runs with the upgraded CrashPlan User Directory Sync. 

  • If you installed to a different directory or a new machine, ensure that the scheduler is still pointing at the correct .\bin\C42UserDirectorySync script.
  • If you are a different user than the user who installed the previous version of CrashPlan User Directory Sync, ensure that the scheduler is configured to work with the new credentials.
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