This article explains how to uninstall the CrashPlan app from your computer or how to permanently remove the CrashPlan app and all of its files from your computer.
Uninstalling the CrashPlan app removes the log files associated with your backups on this computer. If you're uninstalling as part of a troubleshooting process, send your log files to our technical support team before uninstalling.
Uninstall the CrashPlan app
Uninstalling removes the CrashPlan app from your computer. An identity file is left on your computer in case you reinstall in the future.
- Open the Control Panel and select Uninstall a Program.
- Select CrashPlan and choose Uninstall.
You may be prompted that another user on the device is signed in. If another user is signed in, it may prevent the CrashPlan app from uninstalling. Coordinate with other users to ensure all users are signed out of their accounts before continuing.
If the uninstallation fails, follow Microsoft's instructions to fix problems that block programs from being installed or removed.
- Open the Finder.
- Press Command+Shift+G.
A dialog box appears: Go to the folder. - Paste this text into the dialog box:
- Installed for everyone: /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/Uninstall.app
- Installed per user: ~/Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/Uninstall.app
- Click Go.
If you see the error "The folder can't be found", download the CrashPlan Mac installer and continue to the next step. - Double-click Uninstall.
- Follow the prompts to complete the uninstall process.
- Download the CrashPlan app.
- Uncompress the TGZ file in Downloads.
- Open Terminal and enter:
cd ~/Downloads/crashplan-install
- Press Enter.
- Then enter:
sudo ./uninstall.sh -i /usr/local/crashplan
- Press Enter.
- At the prompt, type YES to uninstall and press Enter.
Remove the CrashPlan app
If you want to remove the CrashPlan app from your computer, follow the steps below to uninstall the CrashPlan app and delete your computer's identity file and any remaining CrashPlan files.
To completely remove the CrashPlan app:
- Follow the instructions above to uninstall the app.
- Delete the following folder from your computer:
- If installed for everyone: C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan
- If installed per user: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\<Local or Roaming>\CrashPlan
- If installed for everyone: /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan
- If installed per user: ~/Library/Application Support/CrashPlan
- Linux: /var/lib/crashplan
Manual uninstall for Mac
Perform the following steps if you were unable to uninstall the CrashPlan app on a Mac using the directions provided above.
Grant Terminal appropriate permissions
Terminal.app must have full disk access to successfully uninstall CrashPlan. Before proceeding with the uninstall instructions, follow the instructions to grant full disk access to an app, but navigate to Applications > Utilities > Terminal.app in Step 7.
A manual uninstall is typically not needed on Windows or Linux. However, if you already tried to remove the CrashPlan app on a Mac by a non-standard method, the normal uninstall process will error out if subsequently run. This is because the installation file is locked on a Mac and it must be unlocked (with a chflags noschg
command) before it can be uninstalled.
Perform only when instructed by CrashPlan support
You should only perform these manual uninstall steps under the supervision of a technical support engineer. If run improperly, the commands have the potential to cause harm to your system.
Installed for all users
- Run the following command in Terminal:
sudo ls
- Enter the administrator password for the computer and press Return.
- Copy and paste the following commands.
sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.service.plist sudo chflags noschg /Applications/CrashPlan.app sudo chmod -R 755 "/Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/"
- Open a Finder window and delete the following folders:
/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.service.plist /Applications/CrashPlan/ /Library/Caches/CrashPlan/ /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/
Inside the last folder is a backupArchives directory that may contain inbound backups from another computer. If there is data in this folder, move it elsewhere.
Installed per user
- Run the following command in Terminal:
sudo ls
- Enter the administrator password for the computer and press Return.
- Copy and paste the following commands. The "
" symbol designates the user folder.sudo launchctl unload ~/Library/LaunchAgents/com.crashplan.service.plist sudo chflags noschg ~/Applications/CrashPlan.app sudo chmod -R 755 "~/Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/"
- Open a Finder window and delete the following folder: ~/Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/
Inside this folder is a backupArchives directory that may contain inbound backups from another computer. If there is data in this folder, move it elsewhere.
Scripted uninstall for Mac and Windows
To perform an automated manual uninstall on Mac or Windows via script, use the following example scripts provided by our Professional Services team.
Perform only when instructed by CrashPlan support
You should only use these uninstall scripts under the supervision of a technical support engineer. If run improperly, the scripts have the potential to cause harm to your system.
Professional Services filename: mac_uninstall.sh
# The section below uninstalls CrashPlan, if it is installed on the system.
if [[ -e /Library/Application\ Support/CrashPlan/ ]]; then
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.engine.plist
launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.service.plist
/Library/Application\ Support/CrashPlan/Uninstall.app/Contents/Resources/uninstall.sh
# The section below removes the CrashPlan identity file. Uncomment the lines below if you wish to do a complete uninstall.
# rm -r /Library/Application\ Support/CrashPlan/
Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) script
Professional Services filename: win_uninstall_WMI.ps1
# The section below uninstalls CrashPlan, if it is installed on the system.
Stop-Service -Name "CrashPlanService"
Stop-Service -Name "Code42Service"
$PRODID = (Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -Match 'CrashPlan'}).IdentifyingNumber
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList "/X $PRODID /norestart /qn"
$PRODID = (Get-CIMInstance -Class Win32_Product | Where-Object {$_.Name -Match 'Code42'}).IdentifyingNumber
Start-Process "msiexec.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList "/X $PRODID /norestart /qn"
# The section below removes the CrashPlan identity file. Uncomment the lines below if you wish to do a complete uninstall.
# Remove-Item -Path "C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan" -Recurse -Force
Windows Management Instrumentation Command-Line (WMIC) script
Professional Services filename: win_uninstall_wmic.bat
# The section below uninstalls CrashPlan, if it is installed on the system
Stop-Service -Name "CrashPlanService" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Stop-Service -Name "Code42Service" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$packages = Get-Package -AllVersions | Where {($_.Name -Like 'CrashPlan') -or ($_.Name -Match 'Code42')}
$packages.forEach{Uninstall-Package -ProviderName msi -Name $_.Name}
# The section below removes the CrashPlan identity file. Uncomment the lines below if you wish to do a complete uninstall.
Remove-Item -Path "C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan" -Recurse -Force
Windows Command Prompt one-line batch command
cmd /c start /wait powershell.exe "Get-Package -AllVersions | Where {($_.Name -Like 'CrashPlan') -or ($_.Name -Match 'Code42')} | ForEach-Object {Uninstall-Package -ProviderName msi -Name $_.Name};Remove-Item -Path 'C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan' -Recurse -Force"