Why are files "missing" from my backup selection?

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If the CrashPlan app reports that a "File is missing" from your backup selection, it is most likely because the files and folders have moved, or because a drive is disconnected or recently replaced. This troubleshooting article describes how to ensure that all of your files are backing up, regardless of whether or not they have moved.

Recommended solution

Moved folders or files

Commonly, folders or files that display as missing have simply moved to a location outside your file selection. For example, if you were previously backing up files stored on an external drive, then the drive failed you and subsequently downloaded those files to a new location on your device, you may need to add the new location of the files to your backup file selection.

When files move to a location outside of your backup file selection, it's important to add the new location to your backup file selection, and leave the original location selected until the CrashPlan app compares the already-backed-up files to the files in the new location (a process known as de-duplication).

External drive

When the CrashPlan app reports an external drive as missing, it is most commonly a result of the drive name or letter changing. If the drive name or letter has not changed, try scanning the file selection using the steps below to see if the CrashPlan app detects the drive.

  1. From Home in the CrashPlan app, navigate to backup set settings:
  2. Select settings_icon.png Settings.
  3. Select Backup Sets.
  4. Click the ellipse button to access the Backup Set Settings menu and select Scan for file changes.
Failed external drive
If you were previously backing up an external hard drive that failed, and you would like to download the files from that drive on to a new external hard drive, follow our instructions for downloading files after replacing a drive.

The CrashPlan app does not back up Windows UNC file paths
The CrashPlan app does not support Universal Naming Convention (UNC) file paths (for example, //SERVERNAME/shareddir/). File selections must use an absolute path (for example, C:/) to enable backup and restore. 

Deleted files

If the file or folder has been deleted from the device (and you didn't want it to be), you can download the deleted file to its original location.

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