Our technical support team commonly requests log files when diagnosing and resolving issues with your CrashPlan app for CrashPlan for Enterprise or CrashPlan for Small Business. Occasionally, after reviewing your logs, we may request additional system logs to identity the cause of the issue. For example, system information can help our technical support team identify the following issues:
- Application compatibility issues
- Errors with operating system components (for example, Spotlight indexing issues)
- Failing hardware
While the CrashPlan app cannot cause these issues, they may serve as a symptom of these broader problems.
Windows includes tools that capture information about your system as it is running. Follow the instructions below to use Microsoft System Information and Event Viewer to gather your logs, and create a zip file that you can attach to a support ticket.
System Information
System Information (MSINFO32) is a program designed to give a comprehensive listing of your computer hardware, resources, software, and Internet settings.
- Press the Windows logo key and enter System Information, and press Enter to open System Information.
- Choose File > Save.
- From Save As, navigate to the Desktop and click New folder.
Name the folder: cplogs - Name the file msinfo32 and Save it to the cplogs folder.
Event Viewer
Windows Event Viewer creates system logs that record system events on your computer, such as when the computer goes to sleep, or when a program encounters an error.
- Press the Windows logo key and enter eventvwr.exe, and press Enter to open the Event Viewer.
- Expand Windows Logs on the left window.
- Right-click Application and choose Save All Events As.
- Name the file Application and save the file to the cplogs folder on your desktop.
- Right-click System and choose Save All Events As.
- Name the file System and save the file to the cplogs folder on your desktop.
Both Application and System event viewer logs are needed to provide an accurate snapshot of your machine. Our technical support team may not be able to properly diagnose or or resolve your issue with an incomplete set of log files.
Hosts file
The hosts file contains information on how hostnames are mapped to IP addresses for your computer.
- Open a file browser.
- Navigate to the following location: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts
- Right-click on hosts and select Copy.
- Navigate to the cplogs folder on your desktop.
- Right-click inside the cplogs folder and select Paste.
Compress the logs
- From the desktop, right-click the cplogs folder.
- Select Send To > Compressed (zipped) folder.
A compressed folder named cplogs.zip is created on your desktop. - Follow the instructions below to send the cplogs.zip file to the technical support team.
MacOS and OS X
MacOS and OS X include terminal tools that capture information about your system as it is running. Follow the instructions below to gather logs from your computer, and create a zip file that you can attach to a support ticket.
Terminal commands
- From Applications, select Utilities > Terminal.
- Copy and paste each of the commands below into the Terminal window one at a time. Press Return after each command and wait for the command to complete.
If prompted, enter your password, then press Return. Your password does not appear as you type.
Command | Description |
mkdir ~/Desktop/cpdata | Creates a folder named "cpdata" on your desktop. |
system_profiler -xml -detailLevel full > ~/Desktop/cpdata/system_info_report.spx | Creates a report of your system information. |
zip -r ~/Desktop/cpdata/system-logs.zip /var/log/system.log* | Creates a file containing all of the system logs. |
sudo launchctl list > ~/Desktop/cpdata/launchctl-listing.txt | Creates a list of all daemons controlled by launchctl. |
ls -alhOe@ /Library/LaunchDaemons > ~/Desktop/cpdata/launch-daemons-list.txt | Creates a list of all launch daemons configured to start on boot. |
ls -alhOe@ /Library/LaunchAgents > ~/Desktop/cpdata/launch-agents-list.txt | Creates a list of all launch agents configured to start on boot. |
cat /etc/hosts > ~/Desktop/cpdata/etc-hosts-file.txt | Creates a copy of the operating system's hosts file. |
cat /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.crashplan.service.plist > ~/Desktop/cpdata/crashplan-plist-copy.txt | Creates a copy of the launch daemon entry for the CrashPlan service. |
ps auxww > ~/Desktop/cpdata/process-list.txt | Creates a file detailing all currently running processes. |
set > ~/Desktop/cpdata/environment-vars.txt | Creates a file containing all shell environment variables. |
ifconfig > ~/Desktop/cpdata/ifconfig-output.txt | Creates a file with details on all network adapters. |
netstat -v > ~/Desktop/cpdata/netstat-output.txt | Creates a file containing the output of the netstat command. |
sudo ls -alOeh@R /Library/Application\ Support/CrashPlan > ~/Desktop/cpdata/ls-output-appsupport.txt | Creates a list of files in the CrashPlan folder. |
lsof > ~/Desktop/cpdata/lsof-output.txt | Creates a list of currently open files. |
sudo tar czvf ~/Desktop/cpdata/cp-crash-logs.tgz ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ /Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/; | Collects relevant crash logs for the CrashPlan app |
Compress the logs
- From Terminal, copy and paste the following command to compress your log files.
zip -r9 ~/Desktop/cpdata.zip ~/Desktop/cpdata/*
A compressed folder named cpdata.zip is created on your desktop. - Follow the instructions below to send the cpdata.zip file to the CrashPlan technical support team.
Linux includes terminal tools that capture information about your system as it is running. Follow the instructions below to gather logs from your computer, and create a zip file that you can attach to a support ticket.
Terminal commands
These commands must be typed precisely as they're shown – some with trailing slashes, some without.
- Open a Terminal.
- Type or copy/paste each of the commands below exactly as shown into the Terminal window one at a time. Press Enter after each command and wait for the command to complete.
If prompted, enter your password, then press Enter. Your password does not appear as you type.Command Description mkdir ~/cpdata
Creates the /cpdata folder within your user folder. tar -zvcf ~/cpdata/java-var-logs.tar.gz /var/log/java/*.log
Compresses /var/log/java/*.log and moves the compressed file to ~/cpdata.
This directory does not exist in all environments. If this command fails with a "No such file or directory" error, you can ignore the error and continue to the next command.tar -zvcf ~/cpdata/java-cpdir-logs.tar.gz /usr/local/crashplan/log/*.log
Compresses /usr/local/crashplan/*.log and moves the compressed file to ~/cpdata. tar -zvcf ~/cpdata/cplogs.tar.gz /usr/local/crashplan/log/
Compresses /usr/local/crashplan/log and moves the compressed file to ~/cpdata. tar -zvcf ~/cpdata/cpconf.tar.gz /usr/local/crashplan/conf/
Compresses /usr/local/crashplan/conf and moves the compressed file to ~/cpdata. journalctl -a > ~/cpdata/journal.txt
if journalctl returns an error, use these two commands:cp /var/log/syslog* ~/cpdata/
cp /var/log/kern* ~/cpdata/
For systems running systemd, copies the journal file.
Copies the contents of /var/log/syslog and /var/log/kern to ~/cpdata/.cp /var/log/dmesg* ~/cpdata/
Copies the contents of /var/log/dmesg to ~/cpdata/. cp /usr/local/crashplan/install.vars ~/cpdata/
Copies install.vars to ~/cpdata/. whereis java > ~/cpdata/java-os-whereis.txt
Copies the location of Java to ~/cpdata/. java -version > ~/cpdata/java-os-version.txt
Copies the version of Java to ~/cpdata/. uname -a > ~/cpdata/uname-all.txt
Copies system information to ~/cpdata/. ps auxww > ~/cpdata/ps-list.txt
Copies a list of currently running processes to ~/cpdata/. lsof > ~/cpdata/lsof-list.txt
Copies a list of currently open files to ~/cpdata/. ls -l /proc/*/fd/* 2> /dev/null | grep inotify > ~/cpdata/inotify-list.txt
Copies a list of file system events to ~/cpdata/.
Compress the logs
- From Terminal, copy and paste the following command to compress your log files.
tar -zvcf ~/cpdata.tar.gz ~/cpdata/
A compressed folder named cpdata.tar.gz is created in your user folder. - Follow the instructions below to send the cpdata.tar.gz file to the CrashPlan technical support team.
Send log files to the CrashPlan technical support team
After you have the zip file containing your logs, attach the zip file to an email to the technical support team. The steps for attaching logs to an email vary. Commonly-used email providers include:
Your email provider may limit the size of your attachments. If you cannot attach your logs to an email, use an alternative method of sending logs.
External resources
- Windows: Description of Microsoft System Information
- Windows: Windows Event Viewer
- Mac: About System Information