Send logs to support

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When troubleshooting an issue in your CrashPlan environment, a technical support engineer may request a copy of the logs or other diagnostic material from your CrashPlan app. This article provides instructions for you to send these resources to our technical support team.


  • We recommend using an HTML5-compliant browser to upload resources, such as:
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Google Chrome
    • Safari
    • Microsoft Edge
  • Resources that you upload to CrashPlan are stored securely in our data centers and accessible only to our technical support engineers. For more information about CrashPlan's security practices for support, contact our technical support team.

Step 1: Gather CrashPlan app logs

You can collect the CrashPlan app logs remotely, or from the device itself.

Gather CrashPlan app logs remotely

If the CrashPlan app can contact the CrashPlan cloud, you can retrieve the logs directly from the CrashPlan console. This option is useful when you cannot physically access the device. For more information, see Retrieve device logs from the CrashPlan console.

  1. Sign in to your CrashPlan console.
  2. Go to Devices.
  3. Select the device containing the logs.
  4. From the action menu, select Retrieve Logs.
  5. On the Agent logs request history dialog:
    1. Click Retrieve agent logs.
    2. In the Retrieve log: Email notification dialog, select Yes and enter an email address to receive an email notification, or select No.
    3. Click Apply.
      Retrieving... displays under the Logs URL column of the table. (If the device is offline, Retrieving... displays until the device is online.) When the logs are available, a Download logs link displays. 
    4. Click the Download logs link. 
      The logs are downloaded in a ZIP file. 

If you are unable to gather CrashPlan logs remotely, you can gather them from the device using a command in the app or by collecting them from the device's Crashplan logs folder.

Use a manual command in the CrashPlan app

  1. On the device, open the CrashPlan app.
  2. Open the CLI interface for manual commands. Enter the keyboard shortcut for your operating system.
    • Windows: Ctrl+Shift+C
    • Mac: Option+Command+C
    • Linux: Ctrl+Shift+C
  3. Enter this command:
  4. Press Enter.
    The CrashPlan app compiles the logs and displays the location of the compressed archive. You may need to scroll left or right to see the entire file path.
    Example: /Library/Logs/CrashPlan/
  5. Navigate to the location of compressed archive and then follow the steps below to send the logs to CrashPlan.

Collect logs on the device's file system

  1. Collect the service logs.
    1. Navigate to the CrashPlan service log directory:
      • Windows: C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\log
        To view this hidden folder, open a file browser and paste the path in the address bar. If you installed per user, see the file and folder hierarchy.
      • Mac: /Library/Logs/CrashPlan
        If you installed per user, see the file and folder hierarchy.
      • Linux: /usr/local/crashplan/log
    2. Compress the entire log directory into one of these preferred formats: zip, gz, tgz, or tar.gz.
    3. Name the zip file you create using this format:
      <your organization name>_servicelogs_<your ticket number>.zip
  2. (Optional) Collect the UI logs.
    The UI log is optional. Include it only if requested by a technical support engineer.
    1. Navigate to the CrashPlan app UI log directory:
      • Windows: C:\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\CrashPlan\log
        To view this hidden folder, open a file browser and paste the path in the address bar. If you installed per user, see the file and folder hierarchy.
      • Mac: ~/Library/Logs/CrashPlan
        To view this hidden folder, open the Finder, press Command-Shift-G, and paste the path.
      • Linux: ~/.crashplan/logs
    2. Compress the entire log directory into one of these preferred formats: zip, gz, tgz, or tar.gz.
    3. Name the zip file you create using the format:
      <your organization name>_UIlogs_<your ticket number>.zip

Follow the steps below to send the logs to CrashPlan.

Step 2: Send CrashPlan app logs to CrashPlan

You can send files to CrashPlan in one of the following ways:

Attach files to email

After you have the zip file containing your logs, attach the zip file to an email to your technical support engineer. The steps for attaching logs to an email vary. Commonly-used email providers include:

Your email provider may limit the size of your attachments. If you cannot attach your logs to an email, use an alternative method of sending logs.

Attach files to your ticket
  1. Open a new ticket or update an existing ticket with our technical support team.
  2. Complete the form with a detailed description of your issue.
  3. In the Attachment(s) section, click Attach file.
  4. Navigate to and select the zipped log files you just created.
    Total attachment size is limited to 20 MB per message or response.
  5. Click Submit.

Use a link from your technical support engineer

You can upload up to 100GB of data when using a link from your technical support engineer.

  1. Navigate to the link provided by your technical support engineer.
  2. Add the requested files using one of these options:
    • Drag and drop the files from a file manager.
    • Click Browse files to select files from your file system.
  3. Click Upload.
    Progress is displayed as each file is uploaded and a success message appears when the upload is finished.

Send a HAR file

To troubleshoot issues with the CrashPlan console, use your web browser's developer tool to export a HAR file and send it to our technical support team.

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