Differences between your CrashPlan accounts

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Your account for using CrashPlan is separate from your account for getting support from our technical support teams. This article explains what each account is used for and provides links to sign in with each account.

CrashPlan app account

Use your CrashPlan email address to sign in to the CrashPlan app and to manage your account information in the CrashPlan console:

  • Restore files over the web
  • Manage your subscription
  • Edit account information

For instructions on signing in to the CrashPlan console, see our article Sign in to the CrashPlan console

CrashPlan support

The credentials you use to log in to the CrashPlan app are different than those used to work with CrashPlan technical support team:

CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs

As a CrashPlan Enterprise or MSP customer, you need to sign in to the customer portal to create a ticket or initiate a chat. Signing in helps us provide you more personalized support and a more seamless customer experience, especially when requests are escalated or when multiple CrashPlan teams are assisting with a resolution. 

  • Sign in to:
    • Create a ticket
    • Initiate a chat
    • View your open tickets
    • See the phone numbers for your support plan

CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs Announcements

The CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs announcements category in our help center is where you'll find technical updates and announcements.

You can view all posts without logging in to your customer portal account, but if you want to subscribe and get notified of new posts, you need to sign in. If you don't already have a customer portal account, sign up.  

CrashPlan Essential, Professional, and Small Business (Legacy)

As a CrashPlan Essential, Professional, or Small Business customer, you can submit support tickets and initiate a chat with support anonymously, but creating an account for the help desk enables you to:

  • Easily track your support requests
  • CrashPlan Professional and Small Business administrators only: track all requests for your organizations
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