Protect your data when a device is lost or stolen

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When a user's device is lost or stolen, CrashPlan can help you protect the data on that device. This tutorial explains how to protect and restore a user's data when a device is lost or stolen.


The number of device entries in the CrashPlan console for a single device depends on the CrashPlan app installation type: if the CrashPlan app is installed per user account for multiple users on the same device, then the CrashPlan console contains a device entry for each user. To protect your data, you must take action on all of the devices.

Before you begin

Identify the name of the lost or stolen device. If you don't know the name of the device, use the CrashPlan console to locate it based on the user that owned the device:

  1. Sign in to your CrashPlan console.
  2. Go to Administration > Environment > Users.
  3. Click the name of the user who owned the lost or stolen device.
  4. Locate the lost or stolen device name by reviewing the user's devices under Device Name.

Step 1: Decommission the lost or stolen device

When you discover that a device is lost or stolen, immediately take action to protect your data.

Quickly locating a device
If your CrashPlan environment contains many devices, searching for the device by name is often the fastest way to locate it.

The first step is to block the device. When the device is blocked, the CrashPlan service continues backing up, but users cannot access the CrashPlan app to restore data or change settings.

  1. In the CrashPlan console, go to Administration > Environment > Devices, then click the name of the device.
  2. From the action menu action menu gear.png, select Block.
    If the CrashPlan app is installed per user account for multiple users on the device, repeat the steps above for each user’s device entry.


Step 2: Set up the replacement device

  1. Install the CrashPlan app on the replacement device.
    If multiple users must back up data on the device to individual archives, install the CrashPlan app per user instead and repeat the steps below for each user.
  2. In the CrashPlan console, unblock the lost or stolen device:
    1. Go to Administration > Environment > Devices, then click the name of the device.
    2. From the action menu action menu gear.png, select Unblock.
  3. Immediately transfer the user's files and settings to the new device:
    Transferring the settings to the new device automatically deactivates the lost or stolen device.
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