Delete a CrashPlan backup archive

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This article provides step-by-step instructions for deleting a backup archive. You should delete a backup archive when you want to discard all of the files backed up to that archive.

Deleting backup archives

Deleting a backup archive permanently deletes all backup files stored in the archive. This cannot be reversed.


  1. Open the CrashPlan app. Select bluecogSettings-export.pngSettings.
  2. In Device Preferences, select Destinations.
  3. Select the backup destination whose archive you want to delete.
    • Ensure that you still have at least one destination that you are backing up to.
  4. Click Delete Archive.
    Depending on how your administrator has set up your CrashPlan environment, the Delete Archive button may not appear on the screen or you may not be able to delete the archive.
  5. In the confirmation dialog, select I understand.

    remove archive.png
  6. Click Remove.
    The backup archive is removed from the destination. 
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