Manage your archive keystore

This article applies to CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs.pngOverview

In the CrashPlan cloud you can use an external keystore to maintain copies of the encryption keys that secure your users' backed-up data.

While the keys reside securely on your users' devices for use in encrypting and decrypting files, you can store a copy of the encryption keys separately from the CrashPlan cloud, in a Vault keystore system. Vault is a third-party application specifically built to secure secrets. This article summarizes the value of maintaining an external keystore and describes how to manage your external keystore.


  • You must have the Customer Cloud Admin role to manage your keystore.
  • External keystores are available to CrashPlan cloud customers only. 

Keystore types

CrashPlan Vault keystore: For new customers, copies of encryption keys are held, by default, in an external Vault keystore owned and operated by CrashPlan. 

Self-Administered Vault: You can manage copies of your users' encryption keys in your own private keystore.

 Back up your Vault!

When you create a private keystore, create a scheduled process to back it up.
Losing a self-administered private keystore is catastrophic. A wide range of CrashPlan functions fail. You cannot create new users. You cannot replace a lost or damaged device from backup. You cannot restore data via the console. The only sure way to protect your data is to restart all user backups from scratch.

Legacy keystore: For customers who connected to the CrashPlan cloud before version 6.0, copies of keys reside in the database in the CrashPlan cloud. For additional security, legacy customers can move copies of the keys from the CrashPlan cloud database to the CrashPlan Vault keystore or to a private keystore.

Archive key storage in Vault

CrashPlan apps encrypt all their device data before sending it to a CrashPlan backup archive. The encryption keys are unique to each user. To isolate keys from data and from other customers of the CrashPlan cloud, as of version 6.0 the CrashPlan cloud stores copies of archive keys at a Vault server managed by CrashPlan but otherwise separate from the CrashPlan cloud's database.

  • Vault is a widely trusted server and storage technology specifically built to secure secrets.
  • For each customer, the CrashPlan cloud creates one unique Vault user. That user can read and write keys for that one organization only.
  • Vault authenticates each user with a unique SSL certificate. All requests to Vault can be logged and monitored.
  • In the event you no longer want to maintain a private instance of Vault, you can easily move your keystore back to CrashPlan's Vault.
  • The traffic load on the server-keystore connection is light. The CrashPlan cloud writes a copy of an encryption key to Vault only when a new user starts backing up. The CrashPlan cloud reads a key only for restoring data via the CrashPlan console or the CrashPlan API, and for archive maintenance.

 CrashPlan apps continue backup and restore

Failure of a keystore connection does not prevent CrashPlan apps from backing up data or restoring backed-up data.

Access keystore settings

To identify, monitor, and manage your keystore, access the CrashPlan console's keystore settings.

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Environment > Keystore.


The URL, connection status, and connection reliability are only reported for self-administered keystores.

Troubleshoot your keystore connection

If you use a private, self-administered keystore, the CrashPlan cloud tests its connection to your keystore every minute.

In the keystore settings, the Connection Status reports the result of the most recent test.

If the status is Offline, the reason and duration also appear.

 Connection failure alerts by email

When connection to a self-administered keystore fails for five minutes, CrashPlan emails an alert to the organization's administrators. CrashPlan resends that alert every 24 hours until the connection is restored. When the connection has resumed for five minutes, CrashPlan emails a success message to the administrator. See Email alerts for more information.


The following table lists offline reasons, descriptions, and steps to resolve the issue.  

Offline reason Details Steps to resolve
Host unavailable

The keystore did not respond to the CrashPlan cloud's requests.


Possible error messages:

  • Bad HTTP response failure
  • Certificate verification error while connecting to your Vault URL
  • DNS resolution failure
  • Request failure
  • Unknown failure
  • Unsupported or unrecognized SSL message
  • Web certificate expired
  • Web certificate not yet valid
  • In CrashPlan console configuration, reset your keystore's URL.
  • Check the network connections and firewall configurations that separate your Vault server from the CrashPlan cloud.
Unable to authenticate

The Vault server did not allow the CrashPlan cloud to access the data.


Possible error messages:

  • Authentication certificate expired
  • Authentication certificate not yet valid

Create and upload to the CrashPlan cloud a new PFX or P12 certificate file and password for your keystore.

No request The CrashPlan cloud was not able to test the connection.


Unknown A migration has just completed. There is not yet enough data to inform a status report. Wait 5 minutes. Refresh the browser page.

Connection reliability and the timeline below report the result of the last hour's tests: Keystore is online Keystore is offline
keystore.icon.white.png Unknown (the server failed to test)

The time stamps report your local time. To refresh the connection data, reload the browser page.

While a keystore is offline

In the rare case that the CrashPlan cloud cannot connect to an organization's keystore, data backups do continue. But you and your users will not be able to:

After a Vault outage

If Vault experiences an outage, upon restoration of service your Vault server may be sealed. To return to normal operation, unseal the Vault server. For more information on how to diagnose Vault server issues, see Hashicorp's documentation.

Edit a keystore URL or update a certificate

If you have a self-administered private keystore, you can redefine the URL of the Vault server and provide a new security certificate (a PFX or P12 file). You might want to do so if: 

  • You have made a DNS or subdomain change to your Vault's address.
  • You changed an encryption key at your Vault server and so created a new certificate.
  • You created a new administration certificate to replace one that was about to expire.

To edit a keystore or update a certificate:

  1. From the action menu in the upper-right, select Edit Keystore.
    The keystore settings appear. The URL field is pre-populated with your current Vault address. Changing the URL is optional (for example, you might want to use the same address but upload a new certificate file).
  2. If you need to change the URL of your Vault server, start with https:// and include the hostname and port number.
    If you provide a new URL, it cannot contain a path (only protocol, host, and port), and it must be a public DNS address (it cannot be IPv4 or IPv6).
  3. Provide your PFX or P12 certificate file and its password.
    • Upload a valid PKCS12 certificate for your Vault. For details, see the instructions for creating a Vault keystore.
    • The file name extension is not significant. A .PFX or .P12 file extension is not required.
    • Your certificate file may or may not require a password, depending on what you specify when you create the file.
    • URLs and certificate files are typically matched pairs, but you may want to change a URL without changing the certificate. For example, your certificate might use a wildcard to protect multiple subdomains, and you might change the Vault URL to use a new subdomain. In that case, change the URL; don't change the certificate.
  4. Select Continue.
    The CrashPlan cloud will verify that:
    • It can connect to the URL you specified.
    • The certificate file allows the CrashPlan cloud to authenticate and access your Vault.
    If the verification fails, an error message appears.


Migrate keys to a new keystore

You can move your users' archive encryption keys from one Vault keystore to another, or from the legacy database to a Vault keystore.

  1. From the action menu in the upper-right, select Migrate Keystore.
  2. For the type, select either a self-administered private keystore or CrashPlan's Vault.
    Migrating to the legacy database is not possible.
  3. If you select a self-administered keystore:
    1. Provide the URL for your Vault server. Start with https:// and include the hostname and port number.
      The URL cannot contain a path (only protocol, host, and port), and it must be a public DNS address (it cannot be IPv4 or IPv6).
    2. Provide your PFX or P12 certificate file and its password.
  • Upload a valid PKCS12 certificate for your Vault. For details, see the instructions for creating a Vault keystore.
  • The file name extension is not significant. A .PFX or .P12 file extension is not required.
  • Your certificate file may or may not require a password, depending on what you specify when you create the file.
  1. Provide one email address to receive notice about the success or failure of the migration.
  2. Select Continue.
    The CrashPlan cloud will verify that: 
    • It can connect to the URL you specified.
    • The certificate file allows the CrashPlan cloud to authenticate and access your Vault.
    If the verification fails, an error message appears.


View migration progress

When migration starts, progress information appears via: 

  • A yellow banner at the top of the CrashPlan console shows that the keystore is in maintenance.
    The banner disappears when migration completes with either success or failure.
    You may have to refresh the browser to see the banner.
  • The Archive Keystore monitoring view changes to a progress report:

keystore migration progress banner.png

Migration time can vary. For a rough estimate, figure one second per user, or 3 hours for 10,000 users.

Once migration completes or fails, the banner goes away and the monitoring view returns.

Functions unavailable during migration

During migration, the CrashPlan cloud continues to read (but not write) keys from the source keystore. Data backups do continue. But you and your users will not be able to:

  • Create new users or register as a new user
  • Change account passwords
  • Change key passwords or security questions for archive key password security
  • Log in for the first time using SSO authentication
  • Change a user security option

Attempts to perform those operations will generate a system error at the CrashPlan console.

Migration success or failure 

In no case does a migration partially complete. Either all keys get transferred and verified, or the migration fails and the CrashPlan cloud continues to use the source keystore.

  • When a migration succeeds, the CrashPlan cloud attempts to remove data from the source keystore.
  • When migration fails, the CrashPlan cloud attempts to remove data at the destination keystore. You can re-start the migration process.

View your keystore history

The keystore history log contains information about keystore configuration, editing, and migration operations. It is only available after you have edited or migrated your organization's keystore.

From the action menu in the upper-right, select View Keystore History.

The history table reports:

  • Date & Time: Your local time.
  • User: The ID of the CrashPlan console user who initiated the event.
    The user "system" indicates the CrashPlan cloud.
  • Action Details
    • Migration failed: source not reachable: The CrashPlan cloud could not connect with the keystore that data should move from.
    • Migration failed: destination not reachable: The CrashPlan cloud could not connect with the keystore that data should move to.
    • Migration failed: destination data failed verification: After writing a key to the destination, the CrashPlan cloud could not read it and match it to the source. The entire migration is abandoned and the CrashPlan cloud attempts to delete all data from the destination.
    • Migration canceled: migration process stalled: Migration stopped before it completed, most likely because the CrashPlan cloud suffered an internal server error. The entire migration is abandoned and the CrashPlan cloud attempts to delete all data from the destination.

Email alerts

Two emails to administrators announce the failure and restoration of a CrashPlan cloud's connection to a private keystore.

From: The CrashPlan Security Center
To: <Administrator>
Subject: Error: Keystore connection failure
Error: The CrashPlan cloud can no longer communicate with your keystore for backup archives.
From: The CrashPlan Security Center
To: <Administrator>
Subject: Success: Keystore connection resumed
Success: The CrashPlan cloud is now communicating with your keystore for backup archives.

When an administrator at the CrashPlan console starts a keystore migration, three emails announce when migration starts, and when it either succeeds or fails. The administrator provides the email address as a part of configuring the migration.

From: The CrashPlan Security Center
To: <Administrator>
Subject: Keystore Migration Starts
Your CrashPlan archive encryption keys are now migrating from one keystore to another.
From: The CrashPlan Security Center
To: <Administrator>
Subject: Keystore Migration Succeeds
Your CrashPlan archive encryption keys now reside at their new location.
From: The CrashPlan Security Center
To: <Administrator>
Subject: Error! Keystore Migration Failed
Error! Keystore migration failed.

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