Export Sync Log data from CrashPlan

This article applies to CrashPlan Enterprise and MSPs.png


The Sync Log records provisioning data. Beginning September 22, 2021, Sync Log data is retained for the last 90 days only.

If you want to retain Sync Log data older than 90 days, export the data before September 22, 2021. After that date, to retain Sync Log data for periods longer than 90 days, export the data on an ongoing basis and keep it in your own storage systems. This article describes how to export the data. 


Export Sync Log data from the CrashPlan console

Perform the following steps to export Sync Log data in comma-separated value format:

  1. Sign in to the CrashPlan console.
  2. Select Administration > Integrations > Identity Management
  3. Click Sync Log
  4. Select the data range.
  5. Click Refresh table.
  6. Click Export CSV.
    The data is downloaded in a CSV file.
  7. Repeat this process on a regularly-scheduled basis to keep a complete set of data over time.

Export Sync Log data with the CrashPlan API

CSV format

Run the following command to export Sync Log data in CSV format using the c42api/v3/DirectorySyncLog API:

curl -X GET 'https://<RequestURL>/c42api/v3/DirectorySyncLog/csv?eventOccurredAfter=<yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ>&eventOccurredBefore=<yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ>' \
-H "authorization: Bearer <AuthToken>"

In the preceding example:

  • Replace <RequestURL> with the URL of your CrashPlan cloud instance:

For example: 

curl -X GET 'https://console.us1.crashplan.com/c42api/v3/DirectorySyncLog/csv?eventOccurredAfter=2019-06-01'T'12:00:00.0600Z&eventOccurredBefore=2021-06-01'T'12:00:00.0600Z' -H "authorization: Bearer eyJhb...p4XA"

JSON format

To export data in JSON format, run the command without /csv . In addition, you can use optional parameters if desired:

  • sortColumn: The column to sort on. Valid values are action, field, logEventTimeStamp, newValue, oldValue, providerName, and username.
  • sortDirection: The direction that the data is sorted in. Valid values are asc and desc.
  • page[number]: The number of pages to request.
  • page[size]: Number of events to return per page.

For example:

curl -X GET 'https://console.us1.crashplan.com/c42api/v3/DirectorySyncLog?eventOccurredAfter=2019-06-01'T'12:00:00.0600Z&eventOccurredBefore=2021-06-01'T'12:00:00.0600Z&sortColumn=action&sortDirection=asc&page[number]=1&page[size]=100' -H "authorization: Bearer eyJhb...p4XA"
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