Sign out of the CrashPlan app

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This tutorial explains how to sign out of the CrashPlan app. You may need to sign out if you have changed your account information, you have two accounts, or if you are accessing your account from someone else's computer.


  1. Open the CrashPlan app.
  2. Open CrashPlan Commands using one of the following methods:
    • Double-click the CrashPlan logo in the upper-left corner.
    • Enter the keyboard shortcut for your operating system:
      • Windows: Ctrl+Shift+C
      • Mac: Option+Command+C
      • Linux: Ctrl+Shift+C
        client CLI window.png
  3. Enter: deauthorize
  4. Press Enter, and close the window.
    This signs you out of the CrashPlan app.

After closing the command window, the sign-in screen appears. You can now enter account information for an existing account or create a new account.

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