Occasionally during a restore, you may encounter the inability to restore one or more files. Possible reasons for this error include:
- Corrupted backup data
- Insufficient permissions to access the restore location
- Restore location is full
Each scenario and its resolution is described below.
Corrupt backup data
When the CrashPlan app has issues restoring files due to corrupt data, you may receive an error such as:
- Integrity Check Failed
- Failed checksum
- Unable to restore n files (on the History record)
These errors typically indicate that the version of the file you are trying to restore is corrupt. As part of archive maintenance, the CrashPlan app scans files for corruption issues. When it detects a corrupt file, the CrashPlan app deletes the archive file and re-requests the file for backup. However, if archive maintenance has not yet detected the corruption, then the checksum scan that the CrashPlan app runs to verify the file during restore will detect the issue.
Recommended solution
If a particular file could not be restored, try restoring an earlier version of that file. You can expand the file details to view all available versions by the date and time that the file backed up.
If you can restore an earlier version successfully, it's possible that the most recent version is corrupt. If a previous version is not available, try to restore the file again.
If multiple attempts to restore a file fail, you can manually start archive maintenance to repair the files:
- Open the CrashPlan app.
- Select
- Click Destinations.
- Select the destination you are trying to restore from.
- Click Run maintenance to start archive maintenance for this destination.
If the original file isn't available on the source machine for backup, or the original file itself is corrupt, the CrashPlan app cannot repair the corrupted file.
Problems with restore location
Restore issues can also occur when there are problems with the restore location. Possible reasons are described below.
File name not supported by operating system
If a file created on one operating system is restored to a different operating system, it's possible that the number of characters in the file name, or the characters used, are not supported by the new operating system. For example, you may not be able to restore files created on a Mac or Linux computer to a Windows computer. When this occurs, the CrashPlan app reports files not found.
- Unsupported characters (Microsoft Support)
- File names are restricted to 255 characters
- Colons are unsupported
- File names are restricted to 255 characters
If the file names are unsupported by the operating system you are restoring to, try restoring on the original operating system or download files from the web to restore the files.
Insufficient permissions
Alternatively, you might not have permissions to save files to the restore location. To determine whether or not you have permissions, save a document to that location. If you are not able to save the document, then you don't have sufficient permissions for that location. Restore to a different location, or consult the documentation for your operating system to troubleshoot the issue.
Out of disk space
If the restore location becomes full during a restore, the CrashPlan app stops restoring files. The History view will report that the location is out of space. Restore to a different location or remove files you no longer need to make additional space on the location.