CrashPlan supports managing network bandwidth for user devices in a variety of ways. This article details the available options with links to additional resources.
Resources for CrashPlan administrators
Configure global network settings
The Network tab on the Device Backup Default Settings screen in the CrashPlan console includes:
- Backup-data transfer rates for:
- When the user is present and away
- Peak and off-peak business hours
- DSCP settings
- Proxy settings
- Excluded wireless networks
- TCP/IP buffer size
See the device backup network settings reference for details.
Configure general backup settings
The General tab on the Device Backup Default Settings screen in the CrashPlan console includes settings that can impact network usage:
- Backup times
- The amount of CPU to use when the user is present or away
- Backup destinations
- Backup frequency
See the device backup general settings reference for details.
Manage remote network traffic
When large numbers of users work remotely, network traffic may overwhelm your virtual private network (VPN). To learn how to reduce the impact of CrashPlan network traffic from remote users, see Limit backup traffic for remote users (Enterprise).
Open ports for network access
To make sure that you have ports open for CrashPlan app access, see IP addresses and ports used by CrashPlan.
Resources for CrashPlan app users
Use the CrashPlan app with limited bandwidth
To change settings in the CrashPlan app to better manage network bandwidth, see Use the CrashPlan app with limited bandwidth.
Exclude networks
To prevent the CrashPlan app from backing up over specified network adapters and wireless networks, ee Exclude networks used for backup (Enterprise).
Troubleshoot network connections
To test port connectivity for the CrashPlan app, see Test your network connection (Enterprise).